Prediction For Year 2011


3 Variables Prediction for Year 2011 (辛卯Xin Mao) Financial Real Estate, Natural Disasters, Economic Recovery, Citizens’ Woes

In Year 2009, the focus of Master Jason Tan’s prediction of the Singapore national outlook was the stagnation of the local real estate’s prices; based on the miraculous rise of real estate prices at that point of time, many predicted that the real estate prices might continue to rise further in the short term. Many did not know that Master Tan had artfully utilized the 3 variables to unravel the mystery, and had performed a detailed and logical analysis based on the creation of Singapore’s[日元Ri Yen]National birthday and (流年立春Liu Nian Li Chun) Spring Begins.

As a result, the prediction turned out to be accurate as Master Tan had predicted – the real estate prices stagnated.(Property Prices stagnated from June onwards)as reported by the Press –News on [Government measures to stabilize property prices take effect]. Subsequently, the mystery of a close disaster in the south westerly location was unraveled – a picture of the [cable car] was posted on website. Master Tan also revealed this information in advance to the 3rd batch of students in his “3 Variables” class held in Year 2010 and other numerous professionals. Master Tan’s prediction had come true once again. At 12:45 PM on 14th of November during a heavy thunder storm, the [cable car] in the south westerly location was hit for the first time by lightning since it began operation 36 years ago. The lightning stake activated the cable car’s sensor causing it to stop operation suddenly. The [cable car] was immediately thrown into the limelight. It is fortunate that no one was hurt in the incident.

Another prediction mentioned that there would be unusual movement of human traffic in the marina area in the south westerly direction and the north easterly direction. The security should be enhanced in these regions to prevent undesirable characters taking advantage of the situation. Aside from the preceding examples, Master Tan had also in the recent 4 years accurately predicted the election outcomes of country leaders etc, hence receiving recognition of his works locally and internationally.

Forecast for the entire of Year 2010 using the Three Variables
[Before] 21 Jan 2010 @10:44hrs
Please refer to the XIN.SG link below (Media Corp interactive Media) for the announcement:
[After] Cable car extracted article from local press dated 14-11-2010
Extracted article from local press dated 13-11-2010, North Easterly Direction Gangsters
Extracted article from local press dated 9-11-2010, South Easterly [Pasir Panjang] Gangsters


In the Year 2011, Master Tan will share with you on how to make use of the “3 Variables “to perform complete analysis, and to change and improve the quality of your life; The “3 Variables” focuses on logic and statistic of a prediction of situation; is closely linked to our lives; and a field of study that one cannot do without in order to gain the advantage in grabbing opportunities. It is said that it is the “新易经New Yi-Jing “that is both scientific and meeting the needs of the new era.

There is a common saying that one should keep the status quo to counter the ever changing conditions. However, a more forward looking strategy would be to understand one’s strengths and weaknesses and making use of your forte to face off the difficulties; For example: How do you choose the right time to tackle the important future tasks; how do you identify your most ideal direction; how to combine your right colour magnetism to turn the tide to your favor to achieve victory.

Master Tan made the following predictions and explanations based on his theories to help you identify the crises and to convert them to opportunities.

In the prediction of changes in human characters and events for Year 2011 ”辛卯Xin Mao” (-Metal -Wood), it is possible to use “Three Variables” and synthesizing with the “立春八字Li Chun Ba Zi” (Spring Begins Eight Characters) and the five Elements of Singapore’s birthday “八字Ba Zi” to forecast and seek countermeasures.


Spring (立春八字Li Chun Ba Zi)
Time Day Month Year


Singapore (八字Ba Zi)
Time Day Month Year
辛-Metal 乙-Wood 甲+wood 乙-wood
巳+Fire 未-Earth 申+Metal 巳+Fire


Commercial & Economy:
Every nation of the world will go all out to dispel the loom and gloom of the world financial crisis and seek new breakthrough for their economy this year in 2011. Singapore financial sector will continue to be strong. Along with the rapid growth of the “Irs (Integrated Resorts)”, the banking industry is likely to increase corporate lending to strengthen performance. Singaporean should weigh its implication and avoid succumbing to the lure of gambling and destroy the happiness they now enjoy. We are likely to see huge economic growth in this region which will benefit many industries; we will also see improving results for commerce, enterprises and manufacturers etc. The government will mobilize all resources to secure our role as a world trusted financial hub that could service the entire Asia.

(Own Prosperity Colors – White, Silver and Gold in the 1st half of the year; Green, Red and Yellow in the 2nd half)




Financial and Real Estate:
Due to the fact that “立春八字Li Chun Ba Zi” for this year and Singapore’s National birthday [八字Bazi – “乙庚Yi Geng”] combined to form metal, and the [metal] element in the “五行元素Wu Xin Yuan Shu” five Elements will be enhanced, the performance for the stocks and shares, commodity and bonds markets will be stronger. With various policies supporting new enterprises, their developmental potential will be huge. Stocks of companies involved with new energy or material will be well sought after. Along with the well crafted [Grand Plan] of the local government, we are likely to see an influx of foreign investors seeking new opportunities in Singapore. In the currency arena, we are likely to see a continuing rise in &#118alue of Ren Min Bi; Euro will stop its fall and stabilize; USD will continue to weaken; SGD will remain stable; Gold price will stop its rise and stabilize in the 2nd half of 2011. For the real estate sector, HDB property prices this year will stabilize after the governmental cooling measures took effect. Transaction numbers for condominiums and landed properties will slow down. It is not likely to be a good year for real estate investments.

(Trade correcting color – Yellow, Dark Brown, Apple Green and Light Brown)





Social livelihood of People:
With regards to sickness, many people are likely to experience liver problems (Correcting color – consume more greens Shepherdspurse Herb); Bronchitis sufferers should be extra careful this year (Correcting color – consume more white color fungus). Hence, everyone must pay more attention to their health to protect against diseases. With the aging of the Singapore ‘population, children should spend more time to look after their parents’ health.

The “Irs” created many employment opportunities last year, and the unemployment rate continues to be low. Cost of living will continue to rise this year. Our people will pay more attention to the development of the Arts and Culture with the rise in living standards and society continues to prosper. In order to create more opportunity for their children, parents continue to send them for tuition and enrichment classes, promoting the growth of this sector. A record number of students in MOE schools will be promoted to their next level this year. Due to the emergence of “文昌Wen Chang” in Singapore’s birthday [八字Bazi], it is predicted that superb results will be achieved this year in the international performance, educational, cultural and the Arts sectors.



Entertainment sector:
There is a trend towards cultural and the Arts this year for the entertainment and hospitality sector. With the opening of the 2 Irs, the hotel and tourism industries have also brought about prosperity in other trades and. Competitive market in local restaurant, was finally able to reverse the trend of this year, but must be constantly seeking to base, if the restaurant combined with the culture and art, there will be no small accomplishment. Lounge, Club operators based on spring [horoscopes] of water does not strong, so carry on this trade was only keep, yet not adventure expansion, unless with the fusion of culture and art, to refers to the sharing of benefits.

(Trade correcting colors- Black, Blue and Light Blue)



National fortune:
Due to the Singapore’s “八字Ba Zi” of the monthly column (甲申Jia-shen) double crack on beginning of spring [立春Li Chun] (庚寅Geng-Yin) monthly & day columns; Impact will penetrate 4 districts. East side (Changi) and West side (Jurong – Tuas). Hence the (Marina South) district in south westerly region and (Seng Kang- Ponggol) districts in the north easterly region will encounter a surge in human traffic, resulting in a need to increase vigilance. Relevant authorities are encouraged to regulate the flow of human traffic between these 4 districts, especially the vessels entering the Marina South district. Security and order should be enforced to prevent undesirable characters taking advantage of the situation. Motorists should pay attention while traveling around these districts to avoid accidents. The citizens should heed the call of the authority, increase sense of vigilance and be psychological prepared in case of crisis. Our country’s leaders should take more care of their health.

(East & West custom correcting color-Black, Blue, and Light Blue)

(South East & North East custom correcting color- Green and Apple Green)

5 Elements related trades – huge rewards for those trades related to “Metal” and “Wood”:


Trades related to “Prosper Metal” Economy:
For example Financial institution & Banks, Hardware ,Jewelries and Goldsmith, Lawyer and Solicitors, Transportation and Motor traders, IT equipment Manufacturers, Marine engineering, Stocks and shares, brokers, metal equipment, gold and silver jewelries designers, clocks and watch smiths etc. (Prosper color for 1st half of year- White, Silver and Gold)


Trades related to “Prosper Wood” Economy:
For example culture, secretary, medicine, wood, furniture, decorating, gardening, clothing, design, tea, herbs, fruit, paper, spices, writers, teachers, printing, flowers, stationery, bookstore, etc. (Prosper color for 2st half of year- Green and Apple Green) People with “Wood” and “Metal” “八字Ba Zi” will accomplish much and be better in all areas as compared to previous year. In general, the year of “Rabbit” is a year of “活跃Huo Yue (Hustle)”. One has to increase self motivation and perseverance in order to create wealth. The regional economy will soar rapidly, directly and indirectly helping all trades in the region. Success is to those who persevere to the end and those who are lazy in nature will continue to live in dire circumstances.

The “correcting colors’ listed above is applicable in the broad sense, for example, “Red” implies object that is prominently red, and so forth.


“3 Variables” Predictions for Year 2011 (辛卯Xin Mao) Pine Wood

To be able to predict the rise or fall of any country in the world, it is first necessary to determine the direction of which the country is located in relation to the global map. Subsequently, compare the "流年Liu Nian" with the "五行Wu Xin" (5 elements) for that country. Then combine with the colors of the national flag to derive at the "Three Variables" deduction.

Singapore (八字Ba Zi)

Favourable Elements[Water][Earth]Not Favourable Elements[Fire][Metal]

Time Day Month Year
辛-Metal 乙-Wood 甲+wood 乙-wood
巳+Fire 未-Earth 申+Metal 巳+Fire

Spring (立春八字Li Chun Ba Zi)

Favourable Elements[Water][Metal]Not Favourable Elements [Earth][Wood]

Time Day Month Year
壬+Water 庚 +Metal 庚+Metal 辛-Metal
午-Fire 寅 +Wood 寅+Wood 卯-Wood


Global World Map

Singapore’s Calculated Destiny for Year 2011:

Period Elements Local Events Global Events

1st Month (Spring) 4th Feb 11 – 5th Mar 11 (庚寅) +Metal +Wood Success for Education.

2nd Month 6th Mar 11 – 4th April 11 (辛卯) -Metal -Wood Success for Culture and the Arts.

3rd Month 5th April 11 – 5th May 11 (壬辰) +Water +Earth Change in leadership. (On the global map, Natural disaster in the west of the world map)

4th Month (Summer) 6th May 11 – 5th June 11 (癸巳) -Water +Fire Disasters in the West. (Corrective Color- Red)

5th Month 6th June 11 – 6th July 11 (甲午) +Wood -Fire Rising Cost of Living and Inflation Rate.

6th Month 7th July 11 – 7th Aug 11 (乙未) -Wood -Earth Disease and influenza Pandemic.

7th Month (Autumn) 8th Aug 11 – 7th Sept 11 (丙申) +Fire +Metal Significant fluctuations in the Stock and Shares market. (Corrective Color - Yellow, Dark Brown, Apple Green and Light Brown)

8th Month 8th Sept 11 – 7th Oct 11 (丁酉) -Fire -Metal Technology Trades flourishes.

9th Month 8th Oct 11 – 7th Nov 11 (戊戌) +Earth +Earth Slight recovery for the real estate sector. (On the global map, Natural disaster in the south west of world map)

10th Month (Winter) 8th Nov 11 – 6th Dec 11 (己亥) -Earth +Water Prosperity in domestic and overseas commerce.

11th Month 7th Dec 11 – 5th Jan 12 (庚子) +Metal -Water Prosperity for the tourism and entertainment sectors. (On the global map, Natural disaster in the north of world map)

12th Month 6th Jan 12 – 3th Feb 12 (辛丑) -Metal -Earth Disaster in the south (Corrective color – Black)
Note: The above [disaster in the west] should be interpreted in the wider sense. If you are traveling to the west locally [within the boundaries of Jurong to Bukit Batok] during the period (6/5/11-5/6/11), it is possible to counter the disaster with objects primary in (red), example – red clothing or ruby ring etc accessories.


Join for Harmonious Share in peace

Master Tan using "Three Variables" to Prediction international situation

Enter ”辛卯Xin Mao” the year of Rabbit (2011), Master Jason Tan of Original Creation of “Three Variable”, predicts on the international situation, focusing on the situation in the Asia for this year, mainly looking forward for a more peaceful North Korea, abandoning the development of nuclear weapons and missiles.

North Korea is established on September 9 1948, year of [戊子Wu zi] month [辛酉Xin You] Day [丁酉Ding You]. Hence it is a “Double Conflict” situation, easily rekindle and combustible. Only that leaders of every nation acting on restraint and moderation and the lead from the China will ease the situation in Korea Peninsula. Based on harmony in co-existing will benefit all peoples.

Based on the Founding Day of China (八字Ba Zi) on 1st October 1949, Master Jason Tan predicts and forecasts that “人民币Renminbi” shall appreciate. USA’s Independence Day is on 4th July 1776. Based on the basic of comprehensive “Three Variable”, the Dollars shall be on the downward trend. Similarly, Euro shall remain stable, Singapore Dollars maintain while the gold price shall firm in the next six months. And all the major world banks shall recover and remain normal.

Global wise, there will be natural disaster on the western and northern sectors and south west sector in South Africa.(Western includes Egypt, Saudi Arabia, India extending to Africa, Northern sector comprise He-long-Jiang province of China, Russia up to Arctic Ocean).

Combined world map, classification by region

Combined Singapore map, classification by region

This year is the most prosperous financial industry, banking, among them [Metal] the industry would reap a lot of benefit, (white, silver, gold / green, red, yellow) will be the year's most prosperous of the color, especially in the environment in the first half of White, Silver, Gold (4/2/10-6/8/10) and the second half of Green, Red, Yellow (7/8/10-3/2/11) will be showing It is strong, people listed above if the month, as many as possible to use these colors will be much offer rewards.



Environment can be used in the following:

1. Self-enhancement: To maintain current status, living a safe, happy and fruitful life. (Decorate the home with furniture or decorations using the color green as the main color to increase the magnetic field)

2. Control Disaster: When the main family member is facing legal problems, illness, ill fortune, work or business is not smooth going. (Decorate the home with furniture or decorations using the color Yellow to control the situation)

3. Increase Enhancement: The main member of the family hopes to achieve advancement in work or business, wealth, prosperity and hope of an offspring. (Decorate the home with furniture or decorations using the color Red to increase the Luck energy)

4. Harmony Enhancement: To enhance the relationships between spouses, children with parents and all family members as well as the safety of all in the family. (Decorate the home with furniture or decorations using the color Black to adjust and harmonies)

5. To Control and Correct: For the main member of the family is facing obstacle in work, such as office politics, jealousy, work pressure etc. Or there are hallucinations, hearing strange noises. (Decorate the home with furniture or decorations using the color White to Control and Correct, best option for such cases is to engage a qualified Geomancy Master for advise)

Master Jason Tan developed 3 Variables Theory using the combination of Color, Time and Direction to analysis from in depth and uncovers the secrets of Destiny. In doing so, he wants to teach everyone the use of 3 Variables to guide all along our journey of Life. Individuals interested in joining our 3 Variables Theory Talk and Seminars can directly contact:


Three Variables LLP
Tel: 91197077 Fax: 63417077

Here is wishing everyone good health, prosperity and happiness!

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